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App-level joins
Distributed transactions
App-level partitioning of data
Example :
Partitioning function among DB instances
How to rebalance if instance become hot/big (a lot of writes and reads)
Since you split data across instances, you need to sub-divide your queries to sub queries
Also if you want to do ACID transactions across partitions there is a need for distributed protocols such as 2PC
Chain-based replication
The Raft Consensus Algorithm
Caching slow to compute data or frequently accessed
Archive old records
Return only needed columns → because I/O , CPU, and memory load
Use enums for categorical data
Add indexes (usually it’s b-tree data structure)
Use explain to inspect
Use slow query log for debugging
DB optimization
Horizontal scaling
App-level partitioning/sharding
Vertical Scaling: Increasing hardware resources (CPU cores and core speed, RAM, disk space)
The Entity-Relationship Model
Identifying Data Objects
Developing basic schema (attributes, primary key, relationships ,foreign keys, integrity rules)
App-level migrations (migrations scripts or tools such as knexjs)
Altering tables and columns and rolling back in migration history
Transfer all data form source to target and shutdown source
Transfer all data from source to target and then leave source running → DB replication
Transfer data → complete or partial
Humongous/Heterogenous → source and target DBMS are the same or not
There is migrations systems which moves data from source to target
From machine to another machine
Better support for locality (embedding) which results in less network requests
Closer to application data structures usage: For example, an account page contains account info and profile info embedded inside the same account document
If the data in your application has a document-like structure (i.e., a tree of one-to-many relationships, where typically the entire tree is loaded at once)
Flexible schema
Easy to change
No pre design overhead, you design on the go
You model based on your application queries not based on how your entities is designed
The relational model counters by providing better support for joins, and better many-to-one and many-to-many relationships.
Joins can be emulated in application code by making multiple requests to the database, but that also moves complexity into the application and is usually slower than a join performed by specialized code inside the database.
Big data
When you need horizontal scaling for high throughput in writes and reads
Flexible schema
JOINs for many-to-many or one-to-many
Analytics using aggregations
You need to know your queries in advance
Migrations scripts
Query builders